District of Columbia (M1902)

Freedmen's Bureau Records

Descriptive Pamphlet

District of Columbia (M1902) Descriptive Pamphlet – Field Office Descriptive pamphlets are important when researching the Freedmen’s Bureau records because they typically provide detailed indexes and explanations of the contents within a collection of historical records.

District of Columbia - M1902

These records were created by the Bureau’s local field offices and provide detailed insights into the lives of formerly enslaved individuals, free African Americans, and impoverished white Southerners. 1865-1872

Film No. Description Roll
005681791 Records Relating to Employment of Freedmen 19

Film No. Description Roll
005681793 Freedmen’s Village 21

Film No. Description Roll
005681789 Subordinate Field Office Local Superintendent for Washington and Georgetown 17

Film No. Description Roll
005681784 Assistant Quartermaster and Disbursing Officer, Superintendent of Marriages 12
005681791 Records Relating to Employment of Freedmen 19
005681793 Freedmen’s Village 21

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