Memorial Project Application

Thank you for taking the time to complete an application for the Black Pearls of Genealogy (BPOG) Memorial Cross and Book Project (s).

Your commitment to honoring the legacy, and preserving the memory of important individuals and events, is commendable. As you complete this application, we value your efforts and thoughts as you share in our mission of memorializing the lives and worthwhile events in our community.

We are excited to review your application. Should your submission be approved, the BPOG team looks forward to working with you from inception to completion of your Memorial Project.

The Black Pearls of Genealogy team thanks you for your submission, and your
support of our mission.

Applicant Agreement

By submitting this application, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

Shipping and Handling Responsibility:

Project Approval Authority:

Permit and Approval Obligations:

Compliance with Guidelines:

Formal Contract Requirement:

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