Black Pearls of Genealogy

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Speed and Efficiency

Ai for Genealogy

Using AI to assist with genealogy research offers several significant advantages that can enhance the efficiency and depth of your work.

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Using AI in Family History Research


AI and Genealogy: Trouble Ahead?


Enhancing Genealogy Research with Artificial Intelligence

FamilySearch: Full Text Search: 2024

Full-text search enables users to find mentions of their ancestors or specific keywords within the entirety of digital documents available on FamilySearch. This means that the search engine looks through the complete text content of the records, not just the primary indexed fields. It is particularly useful for discovering information in historical documents that have not been fully indexed or are rich in text content, such as newspapers, books, legal documents, and personal letters.

ChatGPT 4.0 Can Transcribes Your Foreign Documents to English

GPT-4 is capable of translating foreign documents into English. If you have specific foreign text or documents that need to be translated, you can provide the text or document, and GPT-4 can assist with the translation. The quality of the translation will depend on the complexity and context of the original text, but it generally handles many languages well.


Den 15. Aprilis ist geboren Dirik Söhnlein dem Darens Kirchenrodtman und seiner lieben Hausfrau Elisabeth ein Söhnlein getauft worden denselben tag und genannt Joh. Henrich. Gevatter stand Johan Wilhelm Bercklingh. Den 9. Aprilis morgens zu Ulm auf ein fortschreien erdorben Ad. Curio Gemeine Knecht des totens tags gebohren.


On April 15th, Dirik's son was born to Darens Kirchenrodtman and his dear wife Elisabeth, baptized on the same day and named Joh. Henrich. Godparent was Johan Wilhelm Bercklingh. On April 9th in the morning at Ulm, Ad. Curio, the common servant, died on the same day he was born.


Bringing AI to Genealogy Research


Google Gemini

Microsoft Copilot





Asked Questions

A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet. Think of it like a virtual assistant that can answer questions, provide information, or perform tasks based on what you ask or tell it. It's like talking to a person online, but it's actually a smart software that understands and responds to your messages. Chatbots are used in many places, like customer service, websites, and apps, to help people get things done quickly and efficiently.

Chatbots work by using a combination of rules and artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and respond to user inputs. Here's a simple breakdown:

Understanding Input: When you type a message, the chatbot reads it and tries to understand what you're asking or saying. It uses language processing techniques to interpret the words and context.

Processing: The chatbot processes your input using predefined rules or AI algorithms. It figures out the best way to respond based on its programming and the information it has.

Generating Response: After processing, the chatbot generates a response. This could be an answer to your question, a piece of information, or an action, like making a reservation or placing an order.

Responding: The chatbot sends its response back to you. This all happens very quickly, so it feels like a natural conversation.

Some chatbots are simple and follow fixed rules, responding with pre-set answers. Others are more advanced, using AI and machine learning to improve their responses over time and handle more complex interactions.

Using a chatbot in genealogy offers several benefits:

Instant Information Access: Chatbots can quickly provide information about genealogy resources, databases, and tools, saving you time in your research.

24/7 Assistance: You can get help with your genealogy questions or research at any time, without waiting for office hours or availability of human experts.

Guided Research: Chatbots can guide you through the steps of starting your genealogy research, providing tips and directing you to useful resources.

Data Organization: They can help you organize and manage your family tree data, ensuring that information is stored correctly and consistently.

Common Question Answers: Chatbots can answer frequently asked questions about genealogy, helping you overcome common challenges and obstacles.

Resource Recommendations: They can recommend books, websites, and archives relevant to your specific research needs, helping you find valuable information more efficiently.

Engagement and Education: Chatbots can provide interesting facts, historical context, and educational content about genealogy, keeping you engaged and informed.

Task Automation: They can assist with repetitive tasks, such as searching records or filling out forms, making your research process smoother and more efficient.


There are several types of chatbots, each designed for different purposes and levels of complexity. Here are the main types:

Rule-Based Chatbots: These chatbots follow predefined rules and scripts. They respond to specific keywords or phrases with set responses. They're simple and easy to create but can only handle straightforward interactions.

AI-Powered Chatbots: These use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to understand and respond to a wider range of inputs. They can learn from interactions and improve over time, handling more complex and varied conversations.

Transactional Chatbots: These chatbots are designed to help with specific tasks or transactions, like booking a flight, ordering food, or making a reservation. They guide users through the necessary steps to complete the task.

Conversational Chatbots: These chatbots aim to have more natural, human-like conversations. They can handle open-ended questions and provide more personalized responses. They often use advanced natural language processing (NLP) to understand context and intent.

Virtual Assistants: These are advanced AI chatbots that can perform a wide range of tasks beyond just chatting. Examples include Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. They can control smart home devices, set reminders, answer questions, and much more.

Customer Support Chatbots: Designed specifically for customer service, these chatbots can handle common inquiries, provide product information, and help troubleshoot issues, reducing the need for human support agents.

Each type of chatbot serves a different purpose and is suited to different tasks, depending on the complexity of the interactions they need to handle.

Chatbots can help a lot with researching your family history, but how accurate they are depends on what they're working with and how they're designed. Here are five examples to show how well they work:

Getting Started: Accuracy: Very good

Example: If you ask a chatbot how to start looking into your family history, it can tell you about popular genealogy websites and explain terms like "census records" or "family tree."

Looking Up Public Records: Accuracy: Pretty good

Example: If you want to find census records from 1930 for a certain place, a chatbot can guide you to the right website and show you how to search. It works well if the records are good.

Finding Specific Ancestors: Accuracy: Okay

Example: If you're looking for a specific ancestor's birth record, the chatbot can help you by telling you where to search and what info you need. Its accuracy depends on the details you provide and the records it can access.

Understanding Old Documents: Accuracy: Not great

Example: If you have an old handwritten letter or document and want to know what it says or means, the chatbot might have trouble. Understanding complex or old historical info usually needs a human expert.

Building Family Trees: Accuracy: Pretty good

Example: A chatbot can help you create a family tree by showing you how to add family members and connect them. It's accurate if you give it the right info but might struggle with complex family relationships.

Chatbots are great for basic tasks and finding simple information, but they might need a human's help for more complicated stuff.