Black Pearls of Genealogy

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Record Retrieval

Independent Record Retrieval

Independent Record Retrieval personnel can assist with accessing historical documents from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and Local County records such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, and death certificates. These services provide invaluable resources for research and legal purposes. By handling the retrieval process efficiently, they save you time and effort, ensuring accuracy and reducing the likelihood of delays or errors. With personalized assistance tailored to your needs, Independent Record Retrieval services offer a convenient and effective way to access the important records you require in a timely manner.

Virtual Records
Local Counties

Birth Certificates

Death Certificates

Marriage Certificates

Divorce Certificates

Divorce Certificates

Marriage Certificates

Death Certificates

Birth Certificates

Helping find local records

Select your state on the map to find a local record retriever. Prices may vary based on the retriever.


The chosen retriever may also conduct independent research. They will be contacted to finalize the pricing details.

Retrievable Records could be located at:

  • Vital Records Offices: For Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Divorce Certificates, and Death Certificates


  • Town or City Halls: Sometimes hold local census records, voter registrations, and city directories.
  • Public Libraries: Many have local history and genealogy sections with books, newspapers, city directories, and other resources.


  • State Archives: These hold a wide range of historical documents, including vital records, land records, and military records.
  • Clerk of Court's Office: This office often has birth, marriage, divorce, and death certificates, as well as probate and land records.


  • Register of Deeds: For property records, deeds, and other land transactions.
  • Historical Societies: These organizations often maintain collections of local historical documents, family histories, and photographs.


  • Genealogical Societies: They may offer access to specialized databases and provide assistance from experienced researchers.
  • Church Archives: Baptismal, marriage, and burial records can often be found in church archives.


  • Diocesan Archives: For broader records across multiple congregations within a denomination.
  • Funeral Home Records: These can provide obituaries, death notices, and records of services.


  • Cemetery Records: Plot maps and burial records can offer information on deceased relatives.


  • School Archives: Old yearbooks, graduation lists, and other records can provide personal details about ancestors.


  • University Libraries: Often have special collections related to local history.
  • Local Newspapers: Archives can provide obituaries, marriage announcements, and other personal notices.


  • Library Microfilm Collections: Many libraries keep microfilm copies of old newspapers.


  • Local Library Websites: Many offer access to digital archives and genealogy databases.


  • State and Local Government Websites: Often have searchable databases for vital records, land records, and other documents.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) facilities

Presidential Library and Museum

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Please specify your area of record retrieval (Local Counties, NARA, or Both). Include your fees. Optional items: bio and photo.