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Fort Monroe, Virginia Pre-Bureau Records

Fort Monroe, Virginia Pre-Bureau Records

  • Virginia (M1913) Descriptive Pamphlet Descriptive pamphlets are important when researching the Freedmen's Bureau records because they typically provide detailed indexes and explanations of the contents within a collection of historical records.

Most of the field office records of the Assistant Commissioner for Virginia are available in National Archives Microfilm Publication M1048, listed below. In the same record group, RG 105, and related to records of the Assistant Commissioner for Virginia, are records of the Bureau headquarters in Washington, DC, and field office records of the District of Columbia. 

  1. M742 - Headquarters, Selected Series of Records Issued by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 
  2. M752 - Headquarters, Registers and Letters Received by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 
  3. M803 - Headquarters, Records of the Education Division of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1871 
  4. M1048 - Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Virginia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1869 
  5. M1053 - Records of the Superintendent of Education for the State of Virginia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1870 
  6. M1055 - Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the District of Columbia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1869 
  7. M1056 - Records of the Superintendent of Education for the District of Columbia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 
  8. M1875 - Marriage Records of the Office of the Commissioner, Washington Headquarters of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1861–1869 
  9. M1902, Records of the Field Offices for the District of Columbia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1870

Roll 74

  1. Target 3: Volume 1 (154) 1864 Census of White and Colored Population of Accomack County
  2. Target 4: Volume 2 (155) 1864 Census of White and Colored Population of Accomack County

Roll 114

  1. Subordinate Field Offices - Fort Monroe (Department of Negro Affairs, 1863-65) Departments of Virginia and Virginia and North Carolina. Nov. 1863-Sept. 1864
  2. C Letters, Orders, and Telegrams Received by Lt. Col. J. B. Kinsman General Superintendent

Roll 115

  1. Target 1: Oct.-Dec. 1864 Letters, Orders, and Telegrams (cont.)
  2. Target 2: Feb.-April. 1864 and Apr. 1865 Letters Received by the Superintendent
  3. Target 3: Volume 1 (201) 1864-65 Records Relating to Issuance of Rations
  4. Target 4: Volume 2 (202) 1864 Records Relating to Issuance of Rations
  5. Target 5: Volume 3 (203) 1863-64 Records Relating to Issuance of Rations
  6. Target 6: One Volume 3  Apri. 1863-Feb. 1865 Quartermaster  Accounts of Money and Materials Disbursed to Government Plantations
  7. Target 7: One Volume Undated Census of People Helped by the Government at Fort Monroe, Virginia
  8. Target 8: 1864 and 1865 Labor Contracts
  9. Target 9: Volume (197) Oct. 1864-Jue 1865 Accounts of Lt. Col. Frank J. White, Superintendent, Fourth Disrict, Negro Affairs

Roll 116

Target 1: 1863, 1864, and 1865


Roll 149

Target 7: Volume (371) Dec. 1864-Apr. 1865
Norfork (Assistant Superintendent See Princess Anne, Onancock - Register of Contracts

Roll 161

Target 7: Volume 1 (369) 1863-65
Accounts Relating to Expenditures on Government Farms

Roll 147

Film Number M1869-M2029

Select Your Next State to Research

  • M1869 - Florida
  • M1900 - Alabama
  • M1901 - Arkansas 
  • M1902 - District of Columbia
  • M1903 - Georgia
  • M1904 - Kentucky
  • M1905 - Louisiana: Pre-Bureau
  • M1905 - Louisiana
  • M1906 - Maryland
  • M1907 - Mississippi
  • M1908 - Missouri
  • M1909 - North Carolina
  • M1910 - South Carolina
  • M1911 - Tennessee
  • M1912 - Texas
  • M1913 - Fort Monroe, Virginia: Pre-Bureau
  • M1913 - Virginia
  • M1914 - Mississippi: Pre-Bureau
  • M2029
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