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Property & Deed Records of George White


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Sept. 23, 1829 Deed Book: Vols. S-T 1828-1831

Madison, Kentucky, Deed Book T, p 72, George White (a free man of color) purchased from Joseph and Polly Malott a tract of land containing 51 acres.

Aug 14, 1841 Deed Book: Vols. Z, 1 1840-1844

Madison, Kentucky, Deed Book Z, 145, George White mortgage to Jacob White and James Miller. As part of the security of the note the following slaves were used; Jackson, age 22, Emily, age 17, Spicey, age 14, Mitchell, age 11, Sophia, age 9, Maruim, age 7.

May 3, 1845 Deed Book: - Vols. 2-3 1844-1848

Madison, Kentucky, Deed Book 2, p 295, George White a free man of color purchased a tract of land near the Kentucky River from Daniel and Matilda Bentlley and Robert and Minerva Bush.

Dec. 19, 1849 Deed book: Vols. 4-6 1848-1852

Madison, Kentucky, Deed Book 5, pp 42-4, George White a free man of color purchased 134 1/2 acres on Hinds Creek from Henry Cockerill and his wife Catherine.

Oct 1, 1855 Deed Book: Vols. 9-10 1855-1859

Madison, Kentucky, Deed Book 9, p 375, George White purchased 100 acres from Isaac Lane and his wife, Margaret.